Volume 14 Issue 3 August 2018
- Ramon Medriano, Jr.
Foreword - Diani Nurhajati
Project-Based Learning used to Develop Supplementary Materials for Writing Skill - Elvina Arapah
English Lesson Planning of K-13 with Scientific Approach - Fibriani Endah Widyasari
Musical Intelligence Based Instructions to Teach English to Young Learners - Hardianti
Exploring Communication Strategies of an Indonesian Radio Announcer - I Nyoman Sudika, H. Khairul Paridi, Baharuddin
Teaching Material Development in Thematic Approach for Learners of Literacy Learning Learners in Community Learning Center in West Lombok - Ista Maharsi
Reflective Teaching Practices in a Teacher Training Program - Lamhot Naibaho
Improving Students’ Essay Writing Ability through Consultancy Prewriting Protocol at Christian University of Indonesia - Claire Agana – Madrazo and Arnel R. Madrazo
The Poetic Syntax of I Will Break God’s Seamless Skull and “God Said, ‘I Made A Man’”
Category: 2018