October 2012

| October 1, 2012

October 2012
Autumn Edition
Volume 8 Issue 3
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  1. Foreword. Professor Winnie Cheng
  2. Su-Jen Lai & Ming-i Lydia Tseng. Genre Analysis of Requesting Letters in Business Communication Textbooks and the Workplace
  3. Yvonne C W Loong & Louisa Chan. A Study of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Adopted by Dentistry Students in Hong Kong in Learning Specialized Dental Vocabulary
  4. Wen-hsien Yang. A Study of Students’ Perceptions and Attitudes towards Genre-based ESP Writing Instruction
  5. Yingli Yang. Business Students’ Perceptions of Tasks in Chinese Tertiary Level Oral English Classes
  6. Chun-Chun Yeh. Students’ Citation Knowledge, Learning, and Practices in Humanities and Social Sciences
  7. Baoya Zhang, Quyen Bui Thi Thuc and Issra Pramoolsook. Moves and Linguistic Realizations: English Research Article Abstracts by Vietnamese Agricultural Researchers

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